
APR refers to the annual percentage rate or the dividend rate.
APY refers to the annual percentage yield.

Rates as of 04/01/2023

Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
0% 24 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
5% 36 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 72 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 84 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
0% 24 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
5% 36 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 72 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
0% 24 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
5% 36 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
0% 24 Months As Low As 6.50% Fixed
5% 36 Months As Low As 6.75% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 7.00% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
10% 12 Months As Low As 7.50% Fixed
15% 24 Months As Low As 7.75% Fixed
20% 36 Months As Low As 8.25% Fixed
20% 48 Months As Low As 8.75% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
0% 36 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
5% 48 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 72 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 78 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 84 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 90 Months As Low As 6.00% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
0% 24 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
5% 36 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 4.50% Fixed
10% 72 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 84 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
10% 24 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 36 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 5.50% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
10% 24 Months As Low As 8.25% Fixed
15% 36 Months As Low As 8.50% Fixed
20% 48 Months As Low As 8.75% Fixed


Term Payment Description APR APR Type
Up To 36 Months Varies By Term 6.90% Fixed
Term Payment Description APR APR Type
Up To 42 Months 3% Of Balance 9.90% Fixed
Term Payment Description APR APR Type
Up To 42 Months 3% Of Balance 12.00% Fixed
Term Payment Description APR APR Type
Up To 60 Months Varies By Term 11.00% Fixed
Term Payment Description APR APR Type
3 – 6 Months Varies By Term 12.00% Fixed
Term Payment Description APR APR Type
24 Months As Low As 2.50% Fixed
36 Months As Low As 3.00% Fixed
48 Months As Low As 3.50% Fixed
60 Months As Low As 4.00% Fixed
Amount Down Term Payment Description APR APR Type
10% 24 Months As Low As 6.00% Fixed
10% 36 Months As Low As 6.25% Fixed
10% 48 Months As Low As 6.50% Fixed
10% 60 Months As Low As 6.75% Fixed

Members should call the credit union to verify rates.
Other loans and rates are available, contact the Credit Union for more information.

Other Rates

APR refers to the annual percentage rate or the dividend rate.
APY refers to the annual percentage yield.

Rate Description Term Dividend Rates APY
Share Certificate 6 Months 1.50% 1.51%
Share Certificate 12 Months 2.30% 2.32%
Share Certificate 24 Months 2.50% 2.52%

NOTE: Early withdrawal from certificates will be subject to a 90-day dividend penalty.

Rate Description Term Dividend Rates APY
Regular Share QUARTERLY 0.10% 0.10%
Kids Klub Shares QUARTERLY 0.10% 0.10%
Christmas Club QUARTERLY 0.75% 0.75%


Rate Description Term Dividend Rates APY
IRA Share QUARTERLY 0.10% 0.10%
IRA Share Certificate 6 Months 1.50% 1.51%
IRA Share Certificate 12 Months 2.30% 2.32%
IRA Share Certificate 24 Months 2.50% 2.52%
Rate Description Term Dividend Rates APY
Share Draft/Checking MONTHLY 0.15% 0.15%

Members should call the credit union to verify rates.
Other loans and rates are available, contact the Credit Union for more information.

Ready to talk?

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you.



Monday: 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Tuesday: 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Wednesday: 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Thursday: 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Friday: 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.


La Crosse Burlington Credit Union
1735 Credit Union Court
La Crosse, WI 54603

Phone: (608) 781-5040
Fax: (608) 781-5041
Toll Free: (888) 367-5228
Toll Free: (888) FOR-LBCU
Account Access: (866) 751-0436